Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Final Script

Final Script
Script 1
Brand/product name:
The brand will be Nike and the product name will be AL17s.

Name of advert:
Expect the unexpected

The advert tagline will be "expect the unexpected".

My radio ad will be about 40 seconds long.

Regulation issues:
For my radio advert I will mainly need to focus on the misleading advertisement code as many people could interpret the radio ad in different ways, I will need to focus on the availability of the product and whether the product is available in all stores or some stores for customers to buy.

The style of the advert will be formal to attract the listeners; it will also be persuasive so the listeners will eventually buy the product.

Persuasive techniques
The radio advert will include a variety of persuasive techniques however the main persuasive technique that will be included in the advert is emotive language, the advert will create an emotional feeling for the listeners to intrigue and persuade them to buy the product.

Use of sound bed
The sound in the background of my radio advert will set the tone and the mood of the entire advert for the audience, it determines whether or not the advert will interests the listeners or not. For my radio ad there will be a variety of sounds, for example the sound of a crowd cheering a person on or a sound of a person opening a box or a person heavily breathing to make the radio advert more interesting and intriguing to the audience.

Script 1
MVO for script
SFX: person heavily breathing

When they doubt you (pause) DONT give up

SFX:Person heavily breathing 

When they start to hate (pause) DONT give up, when they tell you your not cable of being who you want to be (pause) DONT give up

SFX: soft motivational beat

They keep doubting you work harder and harder (pause) you DONT fall
If you have experienced a lot of set backs a lot of defeats keep pushing, keep grafting and you'll achieve your goal, because nothing is impossible (Pause) not only is it possible for you to have your dream (pause) but its necessary that you go for what is YOURS. 

SFX: crowd cheering 

Dream big win bigger, turn doubters into believers 
Shock the world (Pause) with the AL 17's 
Nike (pause) expect the unexpected  

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