For this task I will be analysing two films from the opposite genre, the two films that i have chosen are Jason Bourne and The Babadook. Jason Bourne is sequel of an Action film franchise different to The Babadook, The Babadook is a Horror. Jason Bourne was made in 2016 and The Babadook was made a couple years earlier in 2014. The horror film ( the babadook) was filmed in Adelaide, South Australia, with most of the interior shots filmed on a soundstage in the Australian city different to the action film (Jason Bourne) the filming of the movie took place at Woolwich railway station in Greenwich, London, however part of the film was shot in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the film was directed by Paul Greengrass however it was produced by a variety of people: Matt Damon (the main character), Paul Greengrass, Frank Marshall, Gregory Goodman, Jeffrey M.Weiner, Ben Smith. the producers of The Babadook are Kristina Ceyton and Kristian Moliere and the director of the film is Jennifer Kent. both films have a different age ratings The Babadook has a rating of 15 and Jason Bourne is a 12A rating. Films such as Jason Bourne target a young audience aged around 15-25, however they mainly target a wide range and age of Action fans, the split between male and female audience are different as most viewers of the film would most likely be male viewers, this is most likely related to the main themes of this movie being violence, fights and revenge which are typically preferred by men, lastly the film does not feature any wealth, however the complex narrative of Jason Bourne will not appeal to a lower social classes who normally prefer a simple straight forward story line towards a film. similar to the Jason Bourne film most the babadook has a target audience of 15-25 year olds, thriller/horror films usually target young audiences as young adults and teenagers enjoy thrills. these thrills are more likely to excite a younger audience rather than and older one. horror films are generally aimed more at males than females, this is because men generally enjoy the violence more than females.
The film (Jason Bourne) is about the main character Matt Damon being hunted once more by the CIA. it all begins when Nicky Parson a former CIA operative who helped Jason Bourne when he most needed it, now works with a man who is a whistle blower and is out to expose the CIAs black ops. Nicky Parson hacks into the CIA and downloads everything on all their black ops including Treadstone (a top secret black ops program of the CIA) which ironically Jason Bourne was part of. Heather Lee a CIA agent discovers the hack and brings it to the attention of the CIA director Dewey, the man behind the Black Ops. He the orders Nicky Parson to be found and hoping to also find Jason Bourne.
The Babadook is about a single mum (Amelia) who lost her husband in a car crash on the way to give birth to her only child Samuel, struggling to cope with being a single parent and raising her child on her own, with Samuels constant fear of monsters and violent reaction making her job a whole lot harder, which makes her friends become distant. when things could not get any worse Samuel brings a book back home from school not knowing that the book would become their worst nightmare. they read the strange book in the house about the 'Babadook' a monster that hides in the dark areas of their house. Suddenly Emilia starts to feel the effect of the book and desperately tries to destroy it. the experience the two horrifically encounter forms the rest of the story.
Jason Bourne (Genre Analysis)
You can tell from the start of the film that Jason Bourne is an action film, this is shown from the start as the character is armed with a dangerous weapon and the scenes are being cut quicker and quicker to make the audience intrigued by the film from the start. the music in the background fits the scenes that are being shown at the start, however the music stops when Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) pulls the trigger as he pulls the trigger the scene changes and the music stops (1:15), this gives the audience an insight in how the rest of the film is going to be like. As the film goes on, at 2 minutes 20 seconds the movie shows flashing and violent scene, Jason Bourne involved in a fight, this also shows the audience what type of man the main character of the film is like the colour of the scene was warm this is done to fit the situation that the two men are in.
The film includes a variety of conventions that makes Jason Bourne an action film for example right at the start of the film we see flashbacks of Jason Bourne killing a variety of people another reason why the film is an action film is because of the flashing images and dangerous weapons this is shown 8 minutes into the film when Nicky Parson hacks the files and while trying to escape she was forced to burn the computer and threaten to kill a group of young people. A typical action film include there own typical stars and one big star that action films usually include is Matt Damon this would of made the audience easier to figure out what type of genre the film by only looking and the casts that are included in the film. genre is very important to both film producers and audiences because producers need to engage their target audiences to keep them interested, this is shown throughout the film however 25 minutes into the film violent and flashing images are shown on the screen to intrigue the audience as most action films include a fast motor vehicle and violence, this is expected by the audience to see such images as the film is an action genre. As the police spot Jason Bourne the music and scenes get faster and faster to create intensity and to keep the audience on their toes wondering whats will happen next, the colour of the scene was quite dark as the event happened at night to make the scene even more intense to the viewers, this shows that the film is an action film as the scene included a fast motorcycle, a mission to be completed and the scene happened in a big city. in the 54th minute in the film when Matt Damon (Jason Bourne) is trying to escape the building from the CIA agents a variety of action conventions where shown to keep the audience intrigued and wondering what will happen next one main and important convention that was shown is the upbeat and nerve racking music this will keep the audience excited in what will happen next. Another Action conventions that was shown was when the music suddenly stopped for a couple seconds this would cause tension and excitement later on the sound in the background started as Jason Bourne came out the elevator and beat up the agent. Moments later a use of a close up was shown on Robert Dewey's face right when an agent said "We lost him sir" to show his anger and despair in not catching Jason Bourne once and for all.
As the film is coming to an end the film uses more action conventions to show what the main genre of the film is, this is shown at 1 hour and 41 minutes in, Jason Bourne is trying to escape death once more, however the scene includes a variety of conventions to make the audience drawn to it, for example a fast car is included in the scene, dark lighting and upbeat nerve racking music in the background, most action films include these conventions as it suits the situation and helps the scene become more realistic and lively.
Jason Bourne (Film Content/Narrative Analysis)
The film starts by showing a variety of flashbacks of Matt Damon killing random people to show us what the story of the film is like this is shown with him speaking in the background saying that he "remembers", inside the 2nd minute of the film Jason Bourne has a nightmare of what has happened to him in the past as he wakes up he is on his way to a fight which gives us an insight of the plot and the story of the film. the action movie has no setting towards the film as the main character (Jason Bourne) is usually running away which gives the audience an idea in how the film is like. All characters are seen in a different way by the audience for example Jason Bourne is probably seen as the good guy trying to protect himself, however Asset is seen as the bad guy, Nicky parson is most likely seen as the magical helper .Although the film didn't exactly follow Vladimir Propp's character theory, however the film did include some of his character theory the film also followed Barthes Enigma code, this is shown throughout, as Jason Bourne is trying to remember what has happened to him throughout the years as it has been a mystery for the audience, this would be one main reason why the overall viewers watched Jason Bourne. the action movie starts with a variety of flash backs to set the story of the film and to make the audience understand why he is in this situation, a high upbeat intense music is being played in the background loud enough to make the audience interested in the scene and high enough to hear what Jason Bourne is saying so the audience would understand the plot of the story. from the start of the film a close up on the main character is shown right before he is about to have a fight with a group of people watching, this is done so the viewers get to see the emotions he is going through (3:15) .The language that the character was speaking in was strong and formal language, which suggests that he is well educated and intelligent, which will make the audience wonder why he is causing violence.the film includes a variety of special effects one special effect that the film uses is explosions this is shown 22 minutes and 35 seconds into the film when Jason Bourne throws a flair in anger towards the ground and suddenly the flair explodes immediately after the explosion a mid shot is shown of the fire and the people in the background who are trying to cause violence around them, this is done to intrigue the viewers watching the movie, as the film carries on in the 23rd minute of the film the music suddenly stops to create tension and to surprise the audience and suddenly Matt Damon comes out and starts fighting with the two men who are after him. the film also uses intense, upbeat ad loud music, however the music in the background only start when a violent or flashing scene occurs for example this is shown in the 30 minutes and 50 seconds into the film when a man that works for the CIA tries to kill Jason Bourne and Nicky Parson while they are on the bike trying to escape, the music only gets louder and faster to intrigue the audience. Another use of camera technique is shown 26 minutes and 30 seconds into the film, a pan from left to right is shown of Jason Bourne riding a bike, this is done to show how fast he is going to make the scene look more the 34th minute of the film a sudden change of music occurs when Nicky Parson is shot by a man after Jason Bourne the background music changes to a slow and sad tune with a close up on Jason Bourne's face to show his emotions about his partner dying in front of him. Another use of a flashback/memory is used in the 49th minute and 50 seconds into the film, the flashback is trying to tell the audience more about Treadstone however the flashback showed a variety of camera techniques for example right before the car exploded in the 50th minute a close up of Jason Bourne is shown with an upbeat nerve racking sound in the background to keep the audience engaged and interested.
Some might in interpret the theme of the in a different way however I believe that the main theme of the film is for Jason Bourne to get revenge over the CIA as they killed his father. 1 hour and 12 minutes in the film a close up is shown of Agent Smith (CIA agent), this is done to show the emotions of what he is going through as a man has a gun aiming towards his face, the scene includes an upbeat sound in the background to make the shot more intriguing moments later a use of flash back is used trying to show that he (Jason Bourne) is realising what has happened to his father years ago moments when another CIA agent walks towards Jason Bourne then remembers and realises who killed his father non other than the man walking in his direction trying to kill him. An hour and 13 minutes into the film a long-shot was used from showing Agent Smith and Jason Bourne's body on the floor, this is done as the scene seems that he (Jason Bourne) is dead which would make the audience wonder wether or not he is actually dead or just hurt, suddenly a close up is shown on his face to show the audience his eyes opening up to clarify once more that they have failed to catch him.
The Babadook (Genre Analysis)
the start of the film sets the tone and the storyline of what the film is about. the first scene shows typical codes and conventions of a horror/thriller film, this is shown in the 1st minute of the film when a close up of a woman is seen on the screen however the lighting of the scene was dark to suggest that someones in danger or in a life threatening situation, moments later the woman appears to be in a car crash, however it was all a dream but sets the tone of the film and what will be expected throughout of the film. 12th minute into the film when the mother is reading the book to her son the scenes cut faster and faster to suggest that the Babadook is around them, the sound in the background will cause tension and make the shot for the audience more intense and make them wonder why the mother is afraid of the book as the scenes faster a variety of words are shown on the screen from the book however the last word that was shown was "dead" this is a symbol and another reason why the film is a horror/thriller.
Moments later as the kid is out of his room the mother reads the book again wondering where her son got it from, as she reads the book the nerve racking beat in the background starts once more however suddenly stops when the mother puts the book on the top shelf so its out of reach from her son. When the music stops this may have the audience wondering if the Babadook is going to show up. The babadook would most likely attract Male viewers as the movie dose not have much of a love story which females prefer in most films. Typical thriller conventions are used in the babadook thats makes it a thriller this is used throughout the film from the frightened family to the evil monster to suspense background music and much more. Quick cuts are used when the mother is reading to her son and the scenes are cutting to the words that are in the book. At the end of the film when the monster is finally about to reveal himself the background was coloured in black and he was in all black, the black colours are usually used in horror genre films to make the scene scary and will make the scene more dramatic and intriguing. Most or even all horror films include dark colours mainly black or red which are both shown in the film, the dark red colour is shown on the cover of the book and the dark black colour is shown throughout the Babadook. The image of the book below is shown in the 36th minute and 33rd second into the film.
The Babadook (Film content/Narrative analysis)
The film starts with a close up on the mothers face to show the emotions she was going through while she was in the car accident. the dream was shown at the start of the film because it would have set the tone and expectations from the audience of the film, as the father died the audience would most likely expect that there would be a variety of deaths to be shown in the film. The dream showed a variety of special effects for example throughout the dream the scene was shown in slow motion to make the shot more intriguing, the music in the background only started when the car crash occurred this would make the viewers jump as it would have been unexpected. in the 12th minute of the film a close up on the monsters (The Babadook) face is shown so the audience would know what he looks like, as the mother is reading the book, the kids voice fades away as he is asking his mother a variety of questions, by the voice fading away this suggests that the mother is in shock and afraid of the book. The scenes suit the sound in the background because as the sound gets faster the shots get quicker and quicker. The colour of the book was black and white to fit the story and to tell the viewers that he (the Babadook) is a dangerous unpleasant monster. Both the kid and the mother can be interpreted in different ways by the audience, however many might say from the start of the film that the mother is depressed and hasn't been in a relationship for a long time and the kid could be the main reason why that has happened, this is shown in the 21st minute in the film when a colleague of the mother visits her with flowers to give to her, however the visit wasn't a pleasant one as the mother was mainly focused on her kid rather than the visitor. The film only uses one flashback/dream and that is in the start of the film when the mother was in a car crash, this is done at the start rather than later on as it sets the tone of the film and explains the story of how the father/husband has passed away to the viewers. Music is essential in any film to understand the mood of the characters and hint at a significant part in the film. in a thriller film the sound adds suspense and tension. it will often start at a slow beat and then build up to make the shots more dramatic and interesting for the audience. This is done throughout the Babadook, in the 36th minute and 55 seconds in the film when the mother is surprised to see the book again after ripping the book up, the sound in the background started off slow then as she started to read the book, the scenes cut faster and the sound started to cause tension and suspense the camera closes up on the mothers face to show her reaction of disbelief and suggests that she is starting to believe that the Babadook is real.

the theme of the Babadook is interpreted in different ways by many people however I believe that the films theme is for the monster to seek revenge from the family as the mother never believed that he was real.The language that was used from both the kid and the mother is quite regular this is done so the whole story and plot is mainly focused on one situation which is the monster invading the family's space and home.the Film followed Levi Strauss's theory about good vs evil, this is shown throughout the film making the monster the evil in this situation and the innocent family or the mother the good, however the as the film came to an end the mother and the monster did come to peace with one another, this is shown at the end when the mother started feeding it (1hour 24 minutes). The ending of the film, when the mother finally has had enough of the babadook the shot had dark lighting and both the mother and the son where covered in blood when the Babadook finally left the family alone. At the end of the film a mid-shot is finally shown of the monster (1hour 19 minutes) this is shown at the end to create an emotional response or memory for the audience. The audience might see the film's story in many different ways however they believe that the story is mainly about the Babadook trying to convince the mother that he is real.
In conclusion i believe both The Babadook and Jason Bourne include a handful of codes and conventions that link to the genre of the films, and that his been done for one main reason and that is to intrigue the audience. Although Jason Bourne is a well known successful franchise film the reviews that was received of it was quite a shock as the average of it was given only a 5.9 out of 10 and with only 57 percent of the viewers actually liking and enjoying it, different to the Babadook the majority of the viewers enjoyed watching it with an average rate of 8.2 out of 10 and 72 percent enjoying and liking it. the critics said that The Babadook relies on real horror rather than cheap jump scares, a genuinely moving story. overall I believe that both movies included high quality scenes and both mainly focused on one situation, in Jason Bourne the situation is him being a hit man, and in the babadook the monster making the family's time a nightmare.
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