I have been asked to talk about the main purposes of a music video and how the music videos help the artist increase income for the record company and how it increases the singers popularity and how artists use specific techniques in their videos to sell their music.
Promotional of a particular song
Hotline bling-Drake :
This song first came out on the 13th of February 2016 and at the time many music videos included the representation of woman to make their music videos a big hit and so the artist(Drake) took advantage of the situation. At the start of the music video Drake (the artist) included a variety of attractive females to draw the viewers into watching the video, this promoted the song as he tried to reach out to his target audience who are mainly male teenagers. As the video goes on the name of the song is shown on the screen, this is so others will know what the name of the song is and also promotes his song when it is played elsewhere. The video uses a variety of different colours from warm to cold and from dark to light this is done on purpose to make the video more interesting and exciting. The background starts of with a warm colour however that instantly changes when the artist starts to sing. As the artist starts to sing not only does the background start to change however the artist starts to dance as the song includes a dance routine, this will attract the viewer as they could feel that they are part of the song by starting to dance, this therefore will then promote the song, and the artist will eventually make money from it. Although many viewers where a fan of the song, the dance was the stand out to many others as it was unique and unexpected from the artist .The artist changes his clothing several times. The type of clothing the artist wears are only big brands this suggests that he is trying to say that this song is going to be a big hit in the music industry. Although the music video includes a variety of different features the main feature that the music video has is the collection of camera angles. The main camera angle that is used in the video is the close up, this is used so the viewer would know who the artist of the song is. However although the video uses a close up on the artist the video also includes a long shot of the artist. As you can see from the bottom left shot the long shot is used so the name of the song would be included, this however then promotes the song to the viewers. The main purpose of the music video is to sell the song and to let you remember it, the video also gives the viewer deeper information and understanding of the song. However the main reason a music video is used in the song or in any song is to promote the single and to broadcast their talents to the whole world also music videos provide the ideal opportunity for experimenting with visual moving imagery allowing learners to use their creative imagination.

There are a handful of ways in releasing a single however the main and the most important ways are firstly to register a release, meet the chart rules and to chart retailers. firstly the artist needs to register a release , this means that the singer needs to make sure the product have the correct identification codes and that these are registered with the correct bodies. secondly you have to meet the chart rules before the product is registered you need to ensure your release follows the chart rules. Thirdly you need to make sure your single is sold through a chart reporting retailer. .Promoting your music is probably the most important thing to do in the music industry it is also important as a variety of people would know the new big hit in the industry. Firstly the way you promote your music is to upload your single on social media perhaps uploading it on YouTube or SoundCloud either way that is the first step into promoting your single.Secondly the second way into promoting your single would be by creating an official music video for the song. Music videos are powerful as they provide a visual representation of a song. Thirdly the third way into promoting your single is by creating a lyric video. A lyric video enhances the original song by showcasing the lyrics. The fourth way in promoting your single is by using YouTube or any sort of social media website to give a background information for your new single so it can create a buzz around the fans. the fifth way to promote the single is by utilisation of social media, using social media is a huge way in promoting a single whether its by advert or radio or Twitter this gives an inside information about the single and promotes it as more and more people would start to know about it.

Justin Bieber- Purpose
At the start of the video there is a close up shot on the artists (Justin Bieber) face so the viewers would know who the artist is. The song promotes the singers album in a variety of ways, the first way the song promotes the album is by the song name. The name of the song is "purpose" and the name of the artists latest album is called "purpose" this promotes the album as a number of people would know what the albums called. Another way the song promotes the album is when the artist mentions the word "purpose" numerous times. This is a technique used by the singer to promote his latest album as he mentions the word throughout the music video. The third way the artist promotes his album through his single is by mentioning the fans and how they have helped him through the journey he has been in. This is a technique to win over the public so they would listen to his music and to buy his album and to increase the popularity of the album. As you can see from the shot above that the music video directly mentions the artists album. The album is mentioned at the end of the music video so the viewers last sight is the name of the album therefore this promotes the album and more and more people would know about it. Many might say that the video doesn't include any drama and controversy, this is because the artist is only focused on the music and to promote his album. However throughout the video women representation is used but isn't the main thing as the singer is mainly focused on the song because if the song is good he will make more fans therefore will mean that more people will purchase his new album. the music video also helps him promote his album as the artist is included in it and the name of the album is also added. the music video also includes a warm colour in the background and in the outfit of the dancers. Although the music video has many features a key features that is used is the camera angles of the video. as you can see from the bottom shots there are two type of camera angle. the first shot has an over the shoulder shot and the second shot has a long shot as it includes the artists entire body.
There are number of ways in promoting a new album and for the album to become a big hit in the music industry however these are the main four ways in promoting an album. The first way is by employing your fans, one of the best ways to get fans talking about your album is involvement. If people feel that they have contributed to the album or had an influenced the artist into doing something different they are more likely to speak about it, this could be as simple as the artist personally thanking them in the album booklet. The second way in promoting your new album is live promotion. Live shows can be used to create intensity and excitement for the fans, not only would this get fans excited however it will give the artist a chance to see if the songs would need fixing if it doesn't sound right out loud. the third way in promoting a new album is by constant content. Constant content is important as fans would be updated in what the artist will be doing in the next few months and whether the artist is going to release a new single or a new album. Social media is the best way to keep the fans updated in what the artist is doing next. Lastly the fourth way in promoting your album is by bloggers and press, this is important because this makes you reach out to the audience. this is similar to what Justin Bieber did to promote his album, the artist visited the Ellen DeGeneres show for a whole week to promote his album and while he was there he gave a teaser in what the album is going to include as he sang to the audience.
Promotion of a new artist or promotion of an artists change in musical direction or image
Miley Cyrus- Wrecking ball
Wiz Khalifa- See You Again FT Charlie Puth

Increasing the income for the record company
Kent Jones- Don't Mind

At the start of the music video the first image the viewer sees is attractive women this increases the income for the record company in a numerous amount of ways, firstly it causes controversy as women representation is being shown to the public, by including controversy in the video is a good promotional tool as many will start speaking about it therefore this increases the popularity of the record company and increases the income with it. Another way the music video increases the income of the record label is by including the nam of the company in the video this is shown at the start of the music to tell the audience what kind of music the label produces. As you can see from the shot above the text of the record label is in full capitals and the colour of the text is bright, this is done so it stands out so more and more viewers would know the name of the record label. The artists uses more than one language in the song this will attract viewers from different countries to listen to the song and therefore will increase the popularity and the income of the record label. The artist wears shiny gold jewellery throughout the music video this is trying to say that the record label only produces quality music. Not only does the artist wear gold jewellery he also wears a chain with the record labels brand name on it , this helps the label as it is good advertisement as the popularity of it increases. The video includes celebrity endorsement to advertise the song however the celebrity is the founder of the record label and as he is included in the music

Increasing the range of media artist is active in.
50 Cent- Big Rich Town FT Joe

the show is going to be like, however the man singing along side 5 Cent wears a big black coat to show that the show also has a dark plot to it. The video includes a numerous amount of movement in around the both artist this is done to show the background of the image and to sow how high they are as they are both on the roof. The song is also played in the shows theme song so every time the show is on it promotes the artist as more and more people will be watching. The ending of the video shows the main character on the show holding a gun this is done as it creates a memorable scene to the viewers and therefore more people will watch the show he is in. The clips in the video gets faster and faster as the video goes on to show the level of intensity and drama shown on the show he is in.
- Terms, P.I. (2016) What is the purpose of music videos? Available at: https://prezi.com/h4-7dmomc2-h/what-is-the-purpose-of-music-videos/ (Accessed: 24 September 2016)
- McNease, E.P. (2013) 5 cost effective ways to promote your single. Available at: http://www.rapzilla.com/rz/features/story/6349-5-cost-effective-ways-to-promote-your-single (Accessed: 23 September 2016).
- Getting into the charts - releasing your music (2016) Available at: http://www.officialcharts.com/getting-into-the-charts/releasing-your-music/ (Accessed: 24 September 2016).
- COLA, D. (2014) 4 ways to promote your album independently - DIY musician Blog. Available at: http://diymusician.cdbaby.com/musician-tips/4-ways-promote-album-independently/ (Accessed: 27 September 2016).
- Bodnick, M. (no date) Why is Miley Cyrus’s ‘wrecking ball’ so popular? Available at: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Miley-Cyruss-Wrecking-Ball-so-popular (Accessed: 27 September 2016).
- Stumme, C. (2015) What does ‘See you Again’ by Wiz Khalifa (ft. Charlie Puth) mean? Available at: http://cliffordstumme.com/2015/09/24/what-does-see-you-again-by-wiz-khalifa-ft-charlie-puth-mean/ (Accessed: 30 September 2016).
- Terms, P.I. (2016) What is the purpose of music videos? Available at: https://prezi.com/h4-7dmomc2-h/what-is-the-purpose-of-music-videos/ (Accessed: 4 October 2016).
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