The start of the advert makes the clip memorable because of its setting and because of the professional football players.At the beginning of the video you can clearly see the age range of the target audience nike are trying to appeal to, the target audience are sports fans at any age but mainly teenagers aged 13 to 19 years old. The form of the advert is an anti-realist advert as it isn't a day to day occurrence because you don't see teenagers playing with professionals and turning into them however the main reason this advert is an anti-realist advert is because the setting changes from a normal day in the park with friends to a stadium packed with fans and celebrities. Another reason why this advert is an anti-realist ad is because Nike try to attract there viewers by animation, as you can see from the shot below, there is a use of animation as a goalkeeper turns into the incredible Hulk.

There are a variety of styles used in the advert to intrigue the viewer ,the first time humour is shown in the video is when one of the teenagers wanted to change into the professional footballer Iniesta however, he change into a mail man called Iniesto. The second way humour is shown in the video is when both teenagers wanted to change into a professional and ironically changed into the same player the humour continues as one of the two players comments about the professionals hair and says "thats an ugly wig" viewers might find this scene funny as they are both the same person therefore they are insulting each other. The advert includes a surreal moment as a teenage boy suddenly changes into the incredible Hulk you can also tell that it is a surreal moment from the facial expressions of the players shown in the shot above. not only does the advert include a surreal moment it also includes a dramatic and serious moment this is shown at the end of the advert when Ronaldo the footballing superstar steps u to take the penalty but only to realise moments away that the teenage boy takes responsibility into his own hands and steps up to take the winning penalty. You can tell that the scene was dramatic as it was serious and the music in the background completely stopped and every fan in the stadium was in shock including Ronaldo and his teammates before the kid goes to take the penalty he looks around the stadium to show that he is under immense pressure however as he takes the shot the wait for the ball to hit the net keeps the viewers on their toes to see whether the ball is going or out and luckily it goes in and the music starts again to show the relief this moment promotes the product in a very good way as it sends out a message , it is trying to say that you shouldn't be afraid which gives the viewers confidents and belief.

The advert includes numerous amount of technical codes to appeal and draw the viewers into watching the advert and mainly to purchase an item that they sell. The first and mainly used in most adverts is camera angles. To make the viewer intrigued and excited you need a level of camera angles to be used and so Nike used a variety of shots and movement so viewers can feel the intensity of the game. The first time you see a camera long shot is at the start of the video, at the start the camera moves fast to show the speed of the game however it suddenly stops and shows a long shot of the footballer to show his trickery on the pitch as shown in the shot above. As you can see the teenager stops and stares in shock this shows how big of a player he is so the teenage boy stops and idolises the skill he is attempting. Moments after Ibrahimovic got the ball a mid shot was used to show the footballer Neymar's face however it was mainly used to show the nike logo on the shirt he is wearing to promote the product. The shot shows a variety of features firstly u see the logo stand out as the logo is coloured in dark green however the shirt the footballer is wearing is coloured yellow therefore the logo will stand out. camera use continues as Nike include an over the shoulder shot of the footballer, this is used so the viewers would feel that they are part of the intense game the shot also shows the teenager wearing the Nike logo this promotes the company as more and more people would have a visual image of the famous brand.The advert includes a movement to show the stadium that they have suddenly appeared, the camera moved round the teenage boy to show how big the stadium is and to show how many fans are watching the exciting game. The advert shows a scene that closes up on the Nike boots, this is done to promote Nike items,not only does the image include Nike boots it also includes Nike socks and its logo to advertise both items. Nike uses cuts and editing to appeal to the audience the first time that is at the start of the video when the use of slow motion is shown to emphasis and show how hard the skill the player is attempting. Moments later the location changed from a local park to a football stadium with thousands of fans watching. The scenes in the advert are cut really fast to show the people the speed of the game and its intensity. Nike include a variety of colours from warm to cold and from light to dark this is represented in the kits the players are wearing as they are all coloured differently. The advert includes a background beat this makes the advert interesting and keeps the audience on their toes because as the game got faster the beat of the song got faster with it, not only is there sound from the music there also is sound of the fans watching the game whether its cheering the team on or complaining about a decision. The Mis-En-Scene in the shot below shows a group of teenage kids that are passionate about football and that are comfortable (money wise) as they are able to afford Nike gear such as boots, socks, hats and other Nike items however you can tell that they are not really rich because the background shows a normal sized flats. The shot below advertises the product in a smart way as everyone wears Nike to increase the popularity of the product and the advert. The shot shows a variety of colours from light and dark as many are wearing different coloured Nike shirts. At the end of the advert the teenager takes the ball of Cristiano Ronaldo to take the penalty you can tell that he is a risk taker and the hidden message Nike are trying to say is that if you buy an item of there product you wont fail as the kid did not fail to hit the net.

Every advert includes a selling technique to appeal to the audience nike have added a variety of selling techniques to do such a thing. The main selling technique that nike use is celebrity endorsement this makes the viewer interested as they would want to see them in the advert therefore it increases the popularity of the video and the product. Nike have chosen specific celebrities to be included in the advert for specific reasons, they have included footballing stars Ronaldo and Neymar because they are one of the biggest stars in football however there is a part that nike chose UFC superstars Jon Jones and Anderson Silva as there was a conflict between the staff members by including the two fighters this suggests that the advert is only aiming at football fans but however are aiming at a variety of sports. Another selling technique nike uses is including a hidden message the message is that if you buy items of nike you will become a better footballer and a chance to become a professional at the game. The advert creates a memory of nike products as they are constantly being shown by the footballers.

The advert has an advantage over other rivalry brands like Adidas and Puma as when the advert was first released the first ever sock boot was shown on the superstar Cristiano Ronaldo's feet, they were the only company to have done this, this then became a trend for other companies as they started to add a sock attached to the boot of the players. Nike includes their logo at the end of the advert so viewers can identify what the advert is trying to sell and to promote their company. The text at the end of the adverts that says "risk everything" is a use of emotional language to create a response from the audience and also creates a memory to the viewers watching the advert.
Carling Advert
As the video starts the advert has a realist form to it however as it goes on the viewers get to see that the advert is a anti-realist as the man levitates to dodge the water on the floor and to get across. The advert aims at people aged 18 and over as the advert is trying to sell an alcoholic drink which is shown at the start of the advert. The video starts of as a realist advert because the video shows a middle age man in a working environment however as he gets a text from his friend the mood of the advert completely and suddenly changes.The advert includes anti-realism when the man is trying to escape the building and as he is doing such a thing the worker's clothes changes to camouflage with the carpet on the floor.

The advert includes a variety of styles to make the video interesting.The first style the advert uses is a dramatic style this is shown when the worker wanted to escape the building to watch the football and have a drink with his friend and as he is in the process of escaping the advert includes dramatic scenes such as the fast music in the background to make his escape more intense than it already is this is done to intrigue the viewers and to keep the audience guessing whether he will succeed the escape he is attempting.The advert includes more than one dramatic scene this is shown when the worker picked a paper airplane and threw it towards the lift button which is very dramatic as it is very unlikely to happen in a day to day bases.The advert also includes humour, this is shown when the middle aged worker failed to escape the building but however got close. As the worker got close to escaping the building he completely smashed into the glass door and fell to the ground some viewers might find it funny as he went through all the trouble into trying to escape however ended up failing and getting caught by his boss.Another way the advert includes humour is when the worker tries to impress the lady on his right but however fails as moments later he hits the glass door.The third way the advert includes a style to appeal to the viewers is by including parodic scenes, the advert are trying to make a joke of action films however it also is trying to say that Carling(the drink) is so good that its worth escaping work to have a drink.

The advert uses a variety of technical codes to appeal to the target audience, firstly a variety of camera shots are used to intrigue the audience, the first shot is shown when the camera closes up on the workers face to show his determination in leaving the building without getting caught, moments later the advert includes a medium shot this is close enough to show the boss's advert however it is far enough to show the worker trying to escape the building, they have done such a thing to show the level of difficulty of escaping the building as he has to go past his boss's office on the way out.At the start of the advert the video shows the product to the audience, this is sown in a long shot to include the friend however to mainly include the product so they would know what the purpose of the advert and what they are selling. At the start the man holding the drink raises the pint of Carling so the product would stand out from the rest of the objects in the background. The advert includes numerous amount of cuts to show that the worker has to be quick in what he is doing and to show the intensity of the escape. At the start of the advert a use of movement from let to right and also includes a close up on the watch the worker is wearing to show us if he has time to escape the building on time. The pace of the advert starts of slow however as his friend shows him the drink in his hand the pace of the video got faster and faster to show how fast the man has to be while escaping. As soon as the worker saw the drink in his friends hand the pace got faster this is done to show how good of a drink Carling is and show that people would do anything to get there hands on it.At the start of the advert the video shows a dull and cold colours this is shown through the uniforms of the workers as they are all wearing light blue t-shirts this is done to show how boring and how bored he is however as he looks over into his friends house the colours completely changes, it changes into a bright warm colour this is done as the product is shown for the first time and to show how good the drink is, this would attract the viewers as bright colours are shown from the sun and from the clothes the friend is wearing, however it is mainly shown from the drink as it has a warm colour towards it. As the video goes on the colours got brighter and brighter to show that the worker is getting closer into achieving his goal which is to escape the building and to meet his friend. This is shown when the worker changes his clothes from a light blue colour to a bright

red shirt.You can tell that as soon as the product was shown to the worker he immediately new he had to escape and go have a drink. As the worker hit the glass door the colour of the scene changed as he knows that he has failed however the colour didn't change back to dull and boring as shown in the shot below,the colour changed and turned to dark this is shown from the clothes the boss is wearing and from the ceiling paint of the room, this is done to show that he is in big trouble however this also shows how good of a drink Carling is as he is risking his job to get out and get a drink. The advert includes intense and exciting music in the background to show the level of intensity of the escape he is attempting. the pace of the music gets faster and faster throughout the advert, this will appeal to the target audience as they would be interested in whether the man achieved his goal and escaped the , however the music completely stops as he gets caught to show that he is in big trouble.The Mis-En-Scene in the shot below shows a handsome middle aged man that is comfortable with money as he can afford a big TV shown behind him it also shows him as a likeable and kind man as he is inviting his friend over for a drink, the shot also shows that the man is a upper class man as the background shows his big flat the shot also shows how tempting it is for the worker to go and have a drink with his friend because of the warm lighting and the bright golden drink in his friends hand. The iconography that is shown in the shot below shows that the worker is part of a system as he is at work however the friend is wearing normal comfortable clothes to show that he is at home, the shot also shows that the scene is a very masculine scene as the football is shown in the background to appeal to the target audience who are mainly adult men.

The advert adds a variety of selling techniques to give a deeper information about the product and to appeal to the audience. The first use of selling technique that the advert has is lifestyle appeal you can tell from the shot below that the friend and the worker are two completely different people as one is rich and doesn't need to worry about money and work however the other on is a middle class man that is struggling for money and has to get a boring job to get some money, another way of the advert includes a selling technique is by letting the friend hold the alcoholic drinks rather than the worker this is a hidden message that Carling are trying to say is that only rich and upper class people drink Carling to show the level of quality the drink really is. The ending of the advert creates a memory of the product and also creates a memory for the audience as the ending shows the upper class man drinking the drink this is also trying to say that if you have a Carling it will make you feel upper class and important. Another way you can tell that the friend is upper class is at the end of the advert when the worker walks into the glass door and falls on the floor, while he's on the floor he looks up at his friend holding the drinks trying to say that he isn't worthy of a drink like Carling trying to say that Carling is "perfect".
The advert has a massive advantage over other rivalry products as they are offering the chance for the audience to have a TV if they purchase the Carling drink which will tempt them into buying the drink. As you can see from the shot below the name of the drink is included on the TV this helps the company promote the product as the logo is included which is there drink name this is good as people would know what the drink is called. Another way the advert uses brand identity is by including their slogan in the advert this is shown when the worker hit the glass door and then the friend said "its good but its not quite Carling" the advert is trying to say that Carling is simply perfect like the upper class man.
Honda advert
The advert is a realist advert as it shows normal day to day behaviour as it is a big family singing in the big Honda car. The advert is real as it don't show no edits and animations but however still appeals to the target audience which is adults with a big family to say that the car has a a lot of space for everyone. The advert is trying to appeal to families as they are trying to say that a journey in the Honda car is and will never be boring. The start of the advert tells us that it is a realist advert as the kids only care about using their phones and listen to music and don't notice the car in the back like normal kids and teenagers.

The advert includes some features of style to appeal to the audience and make them buy their product. the first use of style is product placement, the advert includes different brand products to appeal to the audience, beats and apple are included this will increase the popularity of the advert as more and more people would know about it. the Beats headphones are coloured in bright red to make

the advert more colourful and interesting. The shot above shows a teenage girl is spoiled as she is given both the Beats and the Apple iPhone. At the start of the video the advert had a dramatic tone, this is done to say that moods will change during a car drive in a Honda pilot. This will attract mainly parents who can drive and have a big family as it is trying to show and say that the car fits numerous amount of people, which is shown at the start of the advert when the kids and the parents are getting into the car. The youngest daughter also has an iPad this will also increase the amount of people watching the advert as Apple is a big brand, the advert is also trying to say that the Honda is as big as Apple. The advert attempts to use humour in the video to make the advert more exciting to watch however the humorous side has a hidden message which is that you will always have fun with the Honda pilot and and will most likely not enjoy yourself in a different car, this is shown when the whole family was singing and drove past a group of friends, as they drove past the group of friends the friends started to laugh, this shows that ride in the latest Honda car will be a laugh and full of joy.

To appeal to the target audience the advert adds a variety of different technical codes and methods in the video to make the viewer purchase the latest Honda car. At the start of the advert there is a use of a long shot, the long shot was used so it is long enough to see the background however is is also close enough to see the entire car clearly. The long shot is also used to show that the car can go to a variety of places and wont break down this is shown as the background and the location of the advert is in a desert that includes hills and bumps to show that the car is big and strong and will get you where you need to go. The advert also includes a mid shot to show the how big the car is, the mid shot for the image below also shows a close family however the min purpose for the mid shot was to show how happy the father and mother is, the mid shot in the image is good as it is wide enough to show the entire family and the space of the car and also long enough to show the background and the location. the shot also shows warm lighting to say that the car is comfortable to be in. The video also includes a deeper view of the car for the audience, this is shown when a close up is used to show the inside of the car and the features the Honda pilot includes. the shot not only shows the key features of the car but also shows the size inside the car. The image would be appealing to parents that have a big family. Not only will the shot include the size and the features of the car it also includes a free and empty road to show that you will feel free in the Honda. The scene includes warm lighting to appeal to families as the scene also shows a joyful mother looking at her kids in safely in the background, this is shown in the shot below. The main use if technical code the advert uses is its sound the sound includes the family singing a joyful together this shows that the car brings people together because at the start of the advert the eldest boy in the family wasn't happy at first however as the kids start singing a was enlightened and started to enjoy himself in the car. The song the advert uses is a famous song that is played by Weezer in the 90s this will intrigue viewers that are mainly adults as they are trying to appeal to them with music that was popular when they were young. the advert uses editing to make the car look better and stands out. At the start of the video a cut was used, this is shown when the family wanted to leave the area and as they opened the doors of the car the image cut to a long shot of the entire car to show the viewers how the entire car looks from the outside. The advert also had a camera movement to follow the car, this is shown as they past the group of friend this is done to show us how the group of friends view the Honda. The Mis-En-Scene shown in the image below shows a successful and a wealthy man this is shown through the kids as they all have and use big product brand and the fact that he can afford a big car for the whole family shows that he is a kind man as well. The image also shows a loved man by his kids and his wife as they are all happy and at he end of the car advert the youngest daughter says "i love you guys" this is another way to appeal to the audience as it says that the car brings joy and love to a family. The colours in the advert completely changes at the start of the advert, at the start there was a dull and cold colour shown in the shot above, however as the family entered the car the colour suddenly changed into a warm and light tone to appeal and convince the audience to buy the product. This also is trying to say that if you buy the Honda pilot a sense of light and happiness will come your way. The shot in the bottom right corner shows a young girl that is spoilt the most as she is the only person in the family that owns two big brand items, this will increase the popularity of the advert as it includes two big brand names in the advert therefore more and more people would watch it.

To appeal to the target audience the advert added numerous amount of selling techniques. The first selling technique that was used in the advert was lifestyle appeal, this is shown through the father of the family as it shows us that he is a successful man that is also loved by his entire family, the father is successful as he can afford a big car like the Honda pilot this is trying to show us that Honda is only used by rich and successful people. The families love to the father is shown at the end of the advert when the daughter said to the entire family "I love you guys" as she was speaking the logo of the car appeared on the screen to say that Honda brings "love" to you and your family. The advert includes celebrity endorsement as the mum is an actress that has been in a variety of films, this will increase the popularity of the film as the actresses followers would watch the advert therefore more and more people would know about it. The advert creates a memory of the product as the brand is shown in two different kind of cars, this is shown half way through the advert when the family started to sing and they drove past the group of friends that where inside a Honda car, as they drove past them the song was loud enough to reach the other car which lead to the group of friends laughing, this is trying to say that the Honda pilot not only brings joy to the owner but however brings joy to people around it. The advert adds a hidden message which is that if you buy the product a sense of light, happiness and freedom will come your way.

The advert has a unique selling point and advantages over other products as they include two different Honda cars as not many would do that as they would focus on the car they are advertising, they have done such a thing as it increases the popularity of both cars and increases popularity of the advert, as you can see from the shot below the advert also includes the name of the car so people would know the cars name if they want to buy the product. the first and last scene the advert includes is the brand logo this is done to increase the brand identity and both scenes include text underneath the logo saying the brands name.The scene also includes the colour of the brand so people would know how Honda is known.